We have actually pondered and prayed for guidance over this very subject for the last couple years. I had always assumed like all others, that I would be sending my children to public school, after all isn't that what we are supposed to do. My husband and I are both products of public education; didn't we turn out just fine?
Well, truth be told and in talking with my husband we both wish we would of had more opportunities to learn and grow individually, then as a collective whole (in a classroom). As our daughter approached preschool age, we decided to view our options for local schools. The public schools were ranked some of the highest in the state, but parent after parent complained about the health hazards of the old asbestos filled buildings. There were budget cuts, bussing lower income children in, teachers on strike, overcrowded classrooms, and the list goes on. I found local teachers choosing homeschooling, instead of sending their own children to public school.
We made a decent income; I thought perhaps private school was the answer. However, I didn't see much of a difference in learning styles from school to school. We even tried a summer program at one of the most prestigious and well to do private schools nearby, but our daughter did not seem to take to the whole experience. She was bored, wanted to do more arts and crafts, reading and less free play.
Our daughter was only 3 at the time; perhaps there was another school out there for her. We visited a handful of well known private and Christian schools, but none really fit the bill.
Finally, I thought I found our answer. A small Christian school (with a student body of less than 40 children) in town was willing to test our daughter into their PreK/K4 program. Ella passed their test with flying colors and we were told was operating at a Kindergarten level, not a preschool level. I always figured as much, but it was nice to hear from an objective source. I was concerned starting full-time school at such a young age, but my options were limited. Do I hold her back, knowing she would be bored in nursery school or do we let her move ahead? We wanted Ella to love school, as she already loved learning.
We were told the classroom was limited to just nine children, a combined K4/K5 classroom. The children arrived by 8am and were done by 1pm. This was a shorter day than most other schools we had visited and although this was five days a week, we couldn't find another school willing to let her in at this level.
Our daughter is one of the brightest in her class She participates with ease, has mastered all her required sight words, and is quick with her math and science skills, and she is just a social butterfly quickly making friends with classmates two and three years older than her. She has blossomed into a full fledged school girl in a matter of just a few months.
Finally, we have decided, enough. She needs a break and time to be a kid again. But, how would we give her the time she needs to just be a kid, while still meeting her demand for academic curiosity and freedom.
At home, I can make sure we have mastered subjects before moving on, go at the children’s pace, have one-on-one (not one-on-twenty) teaching, and I can tailor my curriculum to their needs and desires. No more, spending all day at school and another hour or more at homework. We can venture out into the real world and see everything first hand, what better way to learn than in God’s playground. If we want to take in a play, a musical, travel, we have no limitations.
The largest concern I have heard with home schooling is, “what about the children’s social development. We have always been very active with activities and if anything, this will provide us the opportunity to experience even more outside activities for the children. We had to cancel a few of Ella’s favorite classes, as she just had too much going on with school and something had to give. I am always surprised at how many people think socialization is spending time with 20 other 4 & 5 year olds. Somehow, this is the proper form of ‘socializing’ my child. Personally, I can’t think of many behaviors I would like other 4 & 5 year olds teaching my child. Ella learned to share, take turns, say please and thank you at home. She was getting left out at Sunday school, because she wouldn’t bully the other children, like others toddlers did (hitting, grabbing, screaming). Ella can talk to most adults with ease; she interacts with kids on the playground and plays well with almost everyone. She has no problem letting you know how she feels or what she wants. We’re active in our Church, with the local Mom’s group, team sports like soccer
and will find a home school support group as well. I think we’ve got this base covered and if anything, I think our kids will probably be more socialized to the real world, than most “real” school children.
We want our children to learn about the Bible, to hear its message and follow the scripture. “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6. It is our job as parents to guide our children on the right path. Our children are our most precious gift, how can I entrust them to a complete stranger.
We want what all parents want for their children. For them to be healthy, confident, and to know they are beautiful and loved individuals. We want them to have good manners, to be compassionate, to be respectful, and to be humble in spirit. We can hold on to our children’s innocent a bit longer, as we don't have to deal with peer pressure, Our kids will be established in their faith and know who they are, before having to face tough grown-up decisions that many 3rd graders are facing in public schools (drugs, sex, money, etc). My children will continue to sing nursery rhymes and children’s songs and not the latest pop song. Our kids will enjoy cartoons like Veggie Tales and Brother Bear, not Bart Simpson. Ella won’t look down on Eric as the younger sibling because he isn’t cool, they will become best friends learning to play cooperatively with each other.
Wow, what a long post! Perhaps, now you see the benefits of home schooling…or perhaps, you have decided we have really fallen off the deep end. Whichever you decide, we have made a commitment to home school. Check back often as we approach the Swift School House launch, January 2010.